Oct 30, 2007

Fit Lad of the Day

Lunge Side Walking

Post Workout Meal #1

Sweet and Sour Chicken with rice in 3 minutes.

Ripped Rules

Have Abs that "Shock and Awe" with the "Ripped Rulez Diet System

Oct 27, 2007

Fit Lad of the Day

Straight Leg Bridge

The Swiss ball brings an element of instability to basic exercises like the straight leg bridge. This stimulates and conditions your deep core muscles improving spinal stability. In addition to these small but important joint stabilizer muscles the Straight Leg Bridge also targets larger prime movers in your back, glutes and hamstrings.

College Wrestler

Oct 26, 2007

Oct 25, 2007

Fit Lad of the Day: Nick Auger

Knee Tuck

The Knee Tuck or Jackknife is a challenging exercise that works your body from head to toe. The exercise is somewhat similar to Rollouts, requiring your lower abdominals to contract isometrically, stabilizing your spine.

Workout by the Pool

Oct 24, 2007


Torso Twist

Like the side crunch torso twists work the obliques but with a rotational movement. Resistance is created by momentum rather than leverage alone. Therefore increasing the speed increases the resistance and difficulty of the exercise. Torso twists are great for golfers and anyone who wants to enhance the rotational mobility and power.

No More Crunches

Want flat abs without crunches, then check out Kendell's ab secrets.

Oct 23, 2007

Fit Lads of the Day

Supine Dumbbell Triceps Extension

how to do supine dumbbell triceps extensions

Obesity is now a Global Problem

According to a study, 40 percent of men and 30 percent of women are now overweight, and 24 percent of men and 27 percent of women are obese.

Back Exercises

Oct 20, 2007

Too Much Weights on Bicep Curls

Form is OK but too much weight used.

Side Lifts for the Glutes

For working out the butt

Oct 19, 2007

Fit Lad of the Day

Why Drink Water?

Water helps us in so many ways, including:

  • Flushing out toxins
  • Reducing risk of heart attack
  • Helping with joint and muscle pain
  • Boosting our metabolic rate
  • Improve organ function
  • Prevent headaches
  • Promote healthy skin
  • Regulate body temperature
  • Get energized and improve alertness
  • Proper Ab Crunch

    Trainers show how to properly execute a basic Ab Crunch.

    Flexing Triceps

    Oct 18, 2007

    Fit Lad of the Day

    Health Tip: Preventing Hypertension

    Here's what you can do to lower your blood pressure:

    * Watch what you eat. Stay away from salt and fat, concentrating instead on foods that are high in fiber calcium, and magnesium.
    * Get plenty of exercise. Regular aerobic workouts condition the heart and keep blood vessels dilated and working properly.
    * If you are overweight, try to trim down. Even a small weight reduction can make a big difference.
    * If you smoke or consume alcohol excessively, now is the time to stop.


    Bench Dip Exercises

    Learn how to do bench dip exercises to develop triceps & shoulder muscles

    Oct 17, 2007

    Oct 16, 2007

    Today's Inspiration

    Posing in the Home Gym

    Health Tip for the Day

    Losing even a little extra weight may cuts hypertension and bring your blood pressure down to normal, according to Italian researchers.

    Greg Plitt Arms Workout

    Oct 12, 2007

    Rope Skipping

    Rope skipping (jump rope) will burn 116 calories for a 10-minute activity [for a 170-lb man].

    Sean Harley Chest Workout

    Check out the Abs

    Oct 9, 2007

    Fit Lad of the Day: Lauri Kalima

    Lauri Kalima is a Finnish sprinter and a model

    Eat Your Oats

    Oat is the only cereal that contains a globulin or legume-like protein, avenalin, which is also a major (80%) storage protein.

    Oat protein is nearly equivalent in quality to soy protein, which has been shown by the World Health Organization to be the equal to meat, milk, and egg protein. The protein content of the hull-less oat kernel (groat) ranges from 12–24%, the highest among cereals.

    Furthermore, oat bran, the outer casing of the oat contains beta-glucans. Its consumption is believed to lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol, and possibly to reduce the risk of heart disease.



    Stretching Using a Stick

    Oct 7, 2007

    Cable Flyes

    Bench Press

    Fit Lads of the Day

    Leg Press

    Main Muscle Worked: Quadriceps
    Other Muscles Worked: Hamstrings, Calves
    Equipment: Machine
    Mechanics Type: Compound

    Iron Cross

    Main Muscle Worked: Quadriceps
    Other Muscles Worked: Lower Back, Traps, Hamstrings, Shoulders, Glutes
    Equipment: Dumbbell
    Mechanics Type: Compound

    Barbell Hack Squat

    Main Muscle Worked: Quadriceps
    Other Muscles Worked: Forearms, Hamstrings, Calves
    Equipment: Barbell
    Mechanics Type: Compound


    Antioxidants are molecules that slow or prevent the oxidation of other substances. Oxidation, which is present in many biological process, can produce free radicals, which can damage cells in the body.

    There are many antioxidants that we can take, including glutathione, Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), melatonin and vitamin E. Most antioxidants can be taken from supplements or by consuming more fruits and vegetables in the diet.

    Oct 5, 2007


    The dip is an exercise used in strength training. The person hangs from a dip bar with their arms straight, bends their arms to a 90 degree angle (thus lowering their body), and then slowly returns to their starting position of straight arms (lifting their body's weight). The difficulty of this exercise is increased by widening the distance that the person has to reach. Difficulty can be decreased by using an assisted-dip machine with a counterweight that helps push the body up.

    Dips primarily train the triceps, and will also build the latissimi dorsi and pectorals with wide arm training.

    Usually dips are done on a dip bar. Lifting the eintire body weight. To make the exercise heavier, you can hang weights onto your weight lifting belt. A lighter dip varitaion is "Bench Dips", where you do dips between two benches. Put your hands on one bench and you feet on another bench in front of you.


    Fit Lad of the Day

    Shoulder Workout

    Dumbbell Front and Side Shoulder Raises

    Sharpen Your Shoulders

    Roman Chair Situps

    Oct 4, 2007

    Today's Inspiration

    Flexing Muscles

    Whey Protein and Muscles

    Whey protein is the name for a collection of globular proteins that can be isolated from whey, a by-product of cheese manufactured from cow's milk. It is typically a mixture of beta-lactoglobulin (~65%), alpha-lactalbumin (~25%), and serum albumin (~8%), which are soluble in their native forms, independent of pH. Whey has the highest Biological Value (BV) of any known protein.

    Whey protein typically comes in three major forms: concentrate, isolate and hydrolysate. Whey protein concentrates contain a low level of fat and cholesterol but generally have higher levels of bioactive compounds, and carbohydrates in the form of lactose — they are 29%-89% protein by weight. Isolates are processed to remove the fat, and lactose, but are usually lower in bioactive compounds as well — they are 90%+ protein by weight. Hydrolysates are predigested, partially hydrolyzed whey proteins which consequently are more easily absorbed, but their cost is generally higher.

    Whey protein powder is commonly used by bodybuilders and other athletes to accelerate muscle development and aid in recovery.


    Oct 2, 2007

    Fit Lad of the Day: Alan Ritchson


    Exercise Clip of the See-Saw (bicep curl) demonstrated by SGT Ken.

    Push-up Improvement with SGT Ken

    Exercise clip discussing how to improve push-ups. Exercises demonstrated by SSG Ken Weichert.